It's good to have Yonca
Many times since Yonca's birth, I have felt myself repeat that: "It's good that you are here, my dear girl, we're really lucky". For me, this is particularly pertinent. Of course, every day that I spend with my daughter is great, but today was something else!
It's been very difficult since leaving university to find time me and I my friends to find time to meet like we used to. Work life, married life and not least motherhood...the list of obstacles in our way goes on. We have always want to meet up, but there has always been something which has stood in our way. Today however, thanks to the organisation skills of Aslı, we finally suceeded: Gulşah, Bahar, Aslı and I finally met up for the first time since leaving university. Two to three weeks before our planned meeting we began counting down the days, but time really flew anyway.
Together with Yonca, I set off for Aslı's in Kurtköy. Although Kurtköy is a bit out in the stix and far from the city centre where we live, the clean air and quiet were a welcome change. Unfortunately, we were a little late and by the time we arrived the other mothers had already started chatting.
Aslı's daughter, Ferahnaz and Gülşah's daughter Defne are only a few days apart in age and the same goes for Yonca and Bahar's daughter, Zeynep Duru. Not surprisingly, all conversation turned to the subject of motherhood and our children. With Aslı's delicious Kısır and Gülşah's delicious cheesecake waiting for us, we made our way to the dinner table.
The little ones started to bond; playing amongst themselves and with them getting on so well we mothers really had nothing to worry about. As Einstein's theory indeed goes, time went by in a flash! Given that I had arrived later than the others and had no other pressing appointments for the day, I decided to stay longer and chat with Aslı. And Yonca took full advantage of Ferahnaz's empty cot!
I hadn't socialized in this way for a long time and the feeling of being with friends in this way after such a long time was really great. And who do I have to thank for this? For bringing us together again? My little Yonca...
Thanks again to Aslı for her hospitality - both Yonca and I are really looking forward to the next meeting!
It's been very difficult since leaving university to find time me and I my friends to find time to meet like we used to. Work life, married life and not least motherhood...the list of obstacles in our way goes on. We have always want to meet up, but there has always been something which has stood in our way. Today however, thanks to the organisation skills of Aslı, we finally suceeded: Gulşah, Bahar, Aslı and I finally met up for the first time since leaving university. Two to three weeks before our planned meeting we began counting down the days, but time really flew anyway.
Together with Yonca, I set off for Aslı's in Kurtköy. Although Kurtköy is a bit out in the stix and far from the city centre where we live, the clean air and quiet were a welcome change. Unfortunately, we were a little late and by the time we arrived the other mothers had already started chatting.
Aslı's daughter, Ferahnaz and Gülşah's daughter Defne are only a few days apart in age and the same goes for Yonca and Bahar's daughter, Zeynep Duru. Not surprisingly, all conversation turned to the subject of motherhood and our children. With Aslı's delicious Kısır and Gülşah's delicious cheesecake waiting for us, we made our way to the dinner table.
The little ones started to bond; playing amongst themselves and with them getting on so well we mothers really had nothing to worry about. As Einstein's theory indeed goes, time went by in a flash! Given that I had arrived later than the others and had no other pressing appointments for the day, I decided to stay longer and chat with Aslı. And Yonca took full advantage of Ferahnaz's empty cot!
I hadn't socialized in this way for a long time and the feeling of being with friends in this way after such a long time was really great. And who do I have to thank for this? For bringing us together again? My little Yonca...
Thanks again to Aslı for her hospitality - both Yonca and I are really looking forward to the next meeting!

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