Yonca's new doctor
I couldn't stand the attitude of the doctor who had examined my daughter since her birth at the hospital, so we visited a new doctor. Her 6th month check-up was very long! Our doctor explained to us how to start Yonca on additional food and also told us how to deal with crawling and walking. Starting with rice formula at night, Yonca can eat solids now. So, then came the choice of spoon! According to our doctor, metal spoons are not suitable for babies, and neither are plastic ones. Instead, spoons with silicon ends would be suitable for Yonca. Avent bowls and spoons are ideal for us. I will get spoons and bowls as soon as possible and tomorrow start with solid food. We also need to buy Yonca a highchair.
Our new doctor Dr. Hayriye Aygar MD is highly experienced, caring and knowledgable and sticks strictly to the rules. She answered all of our questions with patience and in addition gave us notes about food and suggestions for Yonca's development. Yonca had 2 vaccinations and was vaccinated against 6 or 7 diseases. It’s apparently normal for a little fever and unusual behaviour after tvaccinations. Yonca’s sleep patterns have become worse in recent days, so I don’t even want to go near that topic. Yonca experienced discomfort during the measurements, examination and vaccination: I think her growing up is effecting her a little more since we held her hands and arms during examination and vaccination that made her really angry. The magic cure in recent days has been to hold her in my arms: She didn't become silent until I held her. She tasted and tested all the toys in the examination room and they all seemingly passed her quality control! Yonca particularly admired the storyteller teddy bear. When she grows a little more, I think I’ll ask her cousin Elif Naz to give Yonca her lion storyteller toy. I took Yonca to a shop where we looked at some toys for her. She was really interested, even laughing at some so I will take her with me next time I buy a toy for her. In fact, the best toys are us and she likes to spend time with us more than toys but of course real toys save us at most difficult times (when she is frustrated), by making a noise or a bringing some comic relief. We have agreed to come for monthly check-ups for Yonca and from now on we will follow Yonca's development with our new doctor.

What exciting developments for little Yonca. Looking forward to more updates!